Unveiling Fundwriter: The AI Revolution in Raiser's Edge

November 6, 2023
Garrett Halll

Revolutionizing Fundraising with Cutting-Edge AI

In the world of fundraising, particularly within the spheres of higher education and nonprofit organizations, efficiency and personalization are not just goals—they are necessities. As development teams strive to cultivate relationships, manage donor data, and secure funding, the introduction of Fundwriter into Raiser's Edge heralds a new era of technological empowerment. This innovative integration offers a suite of AI-powered tools designed to enhance and streamline the fundraising process.

Generating Impactful Content Directly from Donor Records

Imagine being able to generate briefings, contact reports, proposals, strategies, and follow-ups with the click of a button. Fundwriter makes this a reality by allowing teams to create these essential documents directly from a constituent's record in Raiser's Edge. This seamless process not only saves time but also ensures that all communications are tailored to the individual donor, increasing the potential for engagement and support.

Seamless Integration within the Raiser's Edge Ecosystem

One of the standout features of Fundwriter is its integration into the existing Raiser's Edge platform. Users can save their outputs into the constituents' records as Notes or Actions, download content, or email it directly from Raiser's Edge. This level of integration simplifies the management of donor interactions, keeping all pertinent information in one place for easy access and review.

A Conversational Interface that Understands Your Needs

At the heart of Fundwriter's innovation is its chat interface, which allows users to ask direct questions and gain insights about their donors. This conversational AI acts as a copilot, guiding development teams through data analysis, strategy formulation, and content creation. By simplifying complex data into actionable insights, Fundwriter enables teams to make informed decisions quickly.

Bulk Processing: AI-Powered Prospecting and Prioritization

Prospect research can be a daunting task, often involving sifting through vast amounts of data to identify and prioritize potential supporters. Fundwriter's bulk processing tools leverage AI to review each constituent's data, making recommendations, generating content for appeals or stewardship, and scoring them as potential prospects for different projects or funds. This not only enhances the targeting of campaigns but also maximizes the impact of each communication.

Tailored to the Needs of Development Teams

Development teams, including prospect researchers, leadership, major gift officers, annual giving, and stewardship, will find Fundwriter's capabilities to be transformative. For prospect researchers, the ability to quickly generate and access detailed reports is invaluable. Leadership teams will appreciate the strategic insights and time-saving features that allow them to focus on decision-making and relationship building. Major gift officers can craft personalized strategies and proposals on-the-fly, creating a sense of individual attention that resonates with donors. Annual giving teams benefit from the ability to segment, prioritize, and target prospects efficiently, while stewardship teams can use AI-generated content to maintain and enhance donor satisfaction.

The Future is Here

The introduction of Fundwriter to Raiser's Edge is not just an upgrade—it's a redefinition of what is possible in fundraising technology. By harnessing the power of AI, development teams are equipped to navigate the complexities of donor management with newfound ease and effectiveness. With Fundwriter, the future of fundraising is here, and it's smarter, faster, and more personalized than ever before.

Embrace the change and watch as your team's fundraising efforts are transformed. Welcome to the age of Fundwriter in Raiser's Edge.

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